This game version is for demo purposes. XPOL deposits and withdrawals are disabled. The staking smart contract is enabled and deployed on Polygon Mainnet. The staking rewards, POL and USDT earned by players are real. The AVATAR NFT is lent by the Emperor to players, and it can't be used outside BETA.
Balance - The player's available XPOL amount for spending.
Total PnL - Player's cumulative Profit and Loss balance.
Current PnL - Player's Profit and Loss balance for the current game.
My Investment - Amount of XPOL player spent in the current game for buying and upgrading trading posts.
First, press the START button. A welcome message will guide you through the next steps.
The player has to roll the dice for himself and for Magnus. If a double is rolled on the dice, the same player rolls the dice again. Landing on the opponent's post, on borders, temples, or tax offices involves the payment of a fee. Completing a round rewards the player with 200 XPOL. Landing on 'GO TO START' sends the player to START, without collecting wages, and forfeits the turn after rolling a double.
In Cryptopolium, players can attain four levels: PLEBEIAN, CITIZEN, PATRICIAN, and SENATOR. Each level comes with its own economic conditions. The player reaches the next level upon achieving a new level of upgraded trading post.
If the player lands on a trading post, he has to buy it.
To upgrade posts, the player must own all posts in the same province.
Magnus buys all posts he lands on.
Both player and Magnus pay a trading fee when visiting each other's posts.
If the player owns all posts in a province, the fee for a zero-level post doubles.
The trading fee is indicated on the post card with this icon:
If a player owns a complete province, none of its posts can be traded on the Market.
Upgrade is only possible when the player visits a post. All posts must have the same level to upgrade to the next one. The posts can be upgraded maximum to level 3. To upgrade to Level 1: It will increase the value of the post by 4 and increase by 4 the commercial fees charged for landing on the post. To upgrade to Level 2 and 3: It will increase the value of the post by 2 and increase by 2 the commercial fees charged for landing on the post.
At the game's start, the Market is locked. It unlocks when all trading posts are sold. Swaps can occur only when the player or Magnus visits the Market. After unlocking, players can swap trading posts. If a player swaps a lower-value post than Magnus, he pays 5 times the difference. If it's higher, he gains 5 times the difference in value. Swapping a post from a complete province is not allowed.
In the realm, there are 4 Temples where players must make an offering when visiting. 10% of player's offering and 5% of Magnus's offering go to the staking fund.
The realm has 4 Borders where players pay tolls to guards for passage. The toll is 200 XPOL, but you can try to bribe the guards to pay less.
There are 2 Tax Offices where players pay 200 XPOL tax and 400 XPOL super tax. 90% of these taxes fund the GOLDEN POT, and the remaining 10% go to the SUPER POT.
Visiting the GOLDEN POT allows the player to collect all raised funds plus a small amount in POL. The SUPER POT, available when it reaches an amount of XPOL choosed by the Emperor himself, is a network-wide fund. The first player to land on the GOLDEN POT at this point collects the entire SUPER POT.
When visiting the Treasury Department, player pays a game level-set percentage of his current game investment. 2% of that amount goes to the staking fund. When Magnus visits the Treasury Department, the player receives a game level-set percentage of their current game investment.
Landing on TOP SECRET assigns the player a secret mission, sending him to a random location chosen by the Emperor. During the mission, the player can't receive wages passing START or perform an upgrade if sent to owned posts.
The game concludes when the player completes 200 rounds. Or 400 rounds if he staked the ULTRA MODUM NFT. After the game starts, players can buy up to 200 additional rounds. Each extra 10 rounds cost 5.000 XPOL. Buying extra rounds and staking ULTRA MODUM NFT are not compatible.
The player can end the game at any time of his choosing. On ending, the player receives back 10% of the amount invested in the current game if he finished all the rounds. If not, he will have to pay a 10% fine of the amount invested. The staked NFTs will not be unstaked. The invested amount includes XPOL spent on buying and upgrading trading posts.
There are five NFTs in the game, each with its utility: collecting more, paying less, increasing the value of trading posts, or extending rounds. AVATAR NFT - To start the game, the player needs to buy and stake it. While the NFT is staked, he can play as many games as he wants. COLLECTOR NFT - Owning this NFT lets the player charge Magnus 20% more fee and pay Magnus 20% less fee. LIBER NFT – With this NFT, the player is exempt from paying the border toll and receives 50 XPOL from customs officers every time Magnus visits the border. AUCTUS NFT - If the player has it, visiting his level 3 posts increases the post fee by 2% until the end of the game. ULTRA MODUM NFT - Each game is limited to 200 rounds. Purchasing this NFT doubles the rounds, extending gameplay to 400 rounds.
Each time players land on GOLDEN POT or complete a post upgrade, they win a small amount of POL.
POL can be withdrawn clicking on the CLAIM button. The minimum balance requiered for POL is 5 and can be claimed twice per user.
The staking fund for rewards is fueled by the fees players pay when visiting Temples and the Treasury Department during the game. Rewards are distributed daily to stakers in proportion to their staked amounts. Total XPOL Staking - The total amount of staked XPOL by all players. My staking - The XPOL amount staked by the player. Total XPOL Rewards - The value of the entire XPOL rewards fund to be distributed among players. My rewards- The XPOL rewards earned by player so far. Anticipated rewards - The amount of XPOL rewards expected to be earned by the player at the moment.
This game version is for demo purposes. XPOL deposits and withdrawals are disabled. The staking smart contract is enabled and deployed on Polygon Mainnet. The staking rewards, POL and USDT earned by players are real. The AVATAR NFT is lent by the Emperor to players, and it can't be used outside BETA.
First, press the START button.
The player has to roll the dice for himself and for Magnus. If a double is rolled on the dice, the same player rolls the dice again.
In Cryptopolium, players can attain four levels: PLEBEIAN, CITIZEN, PATRICIAN, and SENATOR. Each level comes with its own economic conditions.
This game version is for demo purposes. XPOL deposits and withdrawals are disabled. The staking smart contract is enabled and deployed on Polygon Mainnet. The staking rewards, POL and USDT earned by players are real. The AVATAR NFT is lent by the Emperor to players, and it can't be used outside BETA.
POL can be withdrawn clicking on the CLAIM button. The minimum balance requiered for POL is 5 and can be claimed twice per user.
Each time players land on GOLDEN POT or complete a post upgrade, they win a small amount of POL.
The player can end the game at any time of his choosing.
On ending, the player receives back 10% of the amount invested in the current game if he finished all the rounds. If not, he will have to pay a 10% fine of the amount invested. The staked NFTs will not be unstaked.
View rules.
Cryptopolium is owned by DVisions Labs OÜ.
Registered in Estonia under the Commercial Registry code 16686867.
Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Veskiposti tn 2-1002, 10138.
You should read these Terms because they contain our legal commitments to you and a number of DOs and DON'Ts which you need to be aware of when you use our Services. Please read these Terms carefully to make sure you understand them.
Currently, Cryptopolium is in the early stage, so unforeseeable risks might arise related to acquiring, holding, or using XPOL. In the worst scenario, this could lead to the loss of all or part of XPOL.
If you decide to acquire XPOL or participate in Cryptopolium, you expressly acknowledge, accept, and assume the following risks:
Uncertain regulation and unpredictable enforcement actions: It is impossible to predict how or when national authorities may apply, enact or enforce a law related to digital assets. Consequently, you acknowledge that regulatory actions might negatively impact Cryptopolium and/or XPOL. You shall comply with all applicable country, state, city, and federal laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations which affect your use of the Services and/or your relationship with Cryptopolium.
Updates on corporate disclosure and disclosure of information: Although this document contains the most current information relating to Cryptopolium, it is not fully complete and may still be adjusted and updated by the Cryptopolium team from time to time. The Cryptopolium team has neither the ability nor the obligation to keep holders of XPOL informed of every detail related to XPOL and Cryptopolium development.
Security risks: the future of cryptography and security innovations is highly unpredictable. Also, technical advances (including without limitation development of quantum computing), could present unknown risks to XPOL and/or Cryptopolium. In addition, hackers or other malicious groups or organizations might attempt to interfere with XPOL and/or Cryptopolium in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, malware attacks, denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks, Sybil attacks, smurfing and spoofing, which could negatively affect XPOL and/or Cryptopolium. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. We recommend you use applicable antivirus software as relevant.
Service interruptions might occur: Cryptopolium team or the Company do not guarantee that the Services will always be available or be uninterrupted, timely, secure or free from bugs, viruses, errors or omissions. There may be times when the Services are unavailable due to maintenance or technical problems. We may also change, suspend or discontinue certain Services without giving you prior notice.
Whilst we shall use reasonable endeavours to provide the Services if and to the extent that we are prevented from performing any or all of our Services due to an event that is beyond our reasonable control we shall not be deemed to be in breach of the Terms, or otherwise liable, for any non-performance of our obligations under these Terms.
Other risks: the potential risks are not exhaustive and are not limited to those briefly mentioned above. There are other risks associated with your participation in Cryptopolium, as well as the acquisition, holding, and use of XPOL.
Nothing herein constitutes legal, financial, business or tax advice. You should consult your own legal, financial, tax or another professional adviser before engaging in any activity in connection with XPOL and/or Cryptopolium.
Neither Cryptopolium nor DVisions Labs OÜ (The Company) nor any of the team’s members who worked or have worked on Cryptopolium, nor any service provider, shall be liable for any kind of direct or indirect damage or loss whatsoever that you may suffer in connection with XPOL or Cryptopolium.
If your account is used inappropriately, Cryptopolium team or the Company, acting at their discretion, reserve the right to suspend or terminate or cease to support your account without liability.
It is not possible to check the identities of people using our Services and will not be liable if your wallet connection or account is used by someone else. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your login, you should notify us immediately here. Please note that we may need to verify your identity and validate ownership of the account. Please be alert for other websites and services which may pretend to be us or be associated with us. If in doubt, please contact us here
In addition, you agree that:
you will not copy any of the software provided as part of the Services.
you will not rent, lease, sublicense, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary, alter or modify, the whole or any part of the software nor permit the software or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated in, any other programs.
you will comply with the rules contained herein.
you agree not to upload, transmit, or distribute to or through the site any computer viruses, worms, or any software intended to damage or alter a computer system or data.
The information herein is not exhaustive and does not imply any kind of contractual relationship.
The token documentation and the website are intended for general informational purposes only. They do not constitute a prospectus, an offer document, a guarantee of securities, a solicitation for investments or any offer to sell any product or asset.
Nothing in the Token documentation or website constitutes any offer by the company, the distributor or the Cryptopolium team to sell any XPOL nor any contract or investment decision.
There is no guarantee of value or liquidity for XPOL. You acknowledge, understand, and agree that XPOL might have no value. XPOL is not an investment product, nor is it intended for any speculative investment whatsoever. Acquirers of XPOL should carefully consider and evaluate all risks and uncertainties associated with the cryptocurrency market, especially with XPOL and Cryptopolium.
None of the Company, the Distributor, their respective affiliates, and/or the Cryptopolium team members shall be responsible for or liable for the value of XPOL, the transferability and/or liquidity of XPOL and/or the availability of any market for XPOL through third parties or otherwise.
The Company, the Distributor, and service providers shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind arising from the use of the Token Documentation or the Website, or any other materials published, or its contents.
The information set out herein is only conceptual and describes the future development goals for Cryptopolium to be developed. In particular, the project roadmap in the Token Documentation is being shared in order to outline some plans of the Cryptopolium team and is provided solely for informational purposes.
During your use and access to our Services, you will encounter elements associated with the Services. This includes all the images, text, information, data, audio, video, visual interfaces, graphics (including without limitation, all art and drawings associated with them), designs, systems, methods, information, computer code, software, services, “look and feel”, organization, a compilation of the content, code, data, copyright and analogous rights, all rights in relation to inventions (including patent rights), registered and unregistered trademarks, designs (whether registered or registrable), trade names, trade secrets, business names, customer names or internet domain names, and all other elements of Cryptopolium's Services (“Intellectual Property”).
All Cryptopolium Intellectual Property is owned by Cryptopolium, the Company or its licensors, and is protected by international copyright laws, trademark laws and/or other proprietary rights and laws. As between you and Cryptopolium and its licensors, Cryptopolium or its licensors own and retain, solely and exclusively, all rights, title and interest in and to the Services, and all Cryptopolium Intellectual Property that we or our licensors create and that we make available to you through the Services, including but not limited to any and all copyrights, trademark rights, trade secret rights, patent rights, database rights and other intellectual property and proprietary rights therein. All logos and trademarks, service marks, logos and trade names displayed on or in connection with the Services are the registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks of Cryptopolium or third parties around the world. Your use of the Services does not grant you any ownership over any Cryptopolium Intellectual Property, and except for the limited license we grant you under these Terms, your use of the Services does not grant you any license or permission under any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of Cryptopolium or any third party. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms.
The Software is proprietary to Cryptopolium or to third parties, and redistribution, sale, recompilation, reverse engineering, disassembly, translation or reduction of such Software to human-readable form is prohibited. You agree that Cryptopolium may update the Software without notice, at any time and in our sole discretion, and that these Terms will apply to any updated versions.
By using our Services, you are automatically deemed to agree to accept and be legally bound by these Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, if you do not agree with the Terms, you should not proceed to access or use our Services.
Cryptopolium reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time by posting a notice on this page. Any user using the Services after an amendment has become effective accepts the Terms as amended. A user who does not accept the amended Terms shall cease the use of the Services.
These terms of use were last updated in Feb 2023.
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